August 12, 2012

Nine Months :)

Guess who is nine months old now?  Well, about 9   1/2, I'm so behind in blogging.  Reid is doing great!  I thought he was going to need tubes because he's been keeping fluid in his ears. However, we just saw one of his ENTs and his ears seem to be getting better!  They were never infected, just fluid.  Now that the fluid is looking better I'm hopeful that we will make it a while longer without any tubes. :)  It seems that tubes are needed in most kiddos with achondroplasia.  They help to drain that excess fluid.  I had many, many ear infections as a child...fingers crossed he doesn't inheritt my bad ear history as well.  Reid is tinkering with the idea of sleeping through the night.  He will manage to sleep through a few nights each week.  We are trying to be very patient but would love more sleep soon!  Actually, Rico is so much more patient in the sleep department than myself.  Thanks babe!  Reid is gaining a lot more head control lately, which is really exciting for us!  It is a chore to get him to do tummy time.  I have to practically hold him in that position.  He will roll over as soon as I let go and walk off.  You've got to learn how to crawl somehow buddy!  He manages to get what he's after by scooting on his back and rolling. It is so wonderful seeing him experience new things!  Yesterday, he lit up while he played with one of Rico's birthday balloons in the highchair after supper and I swear I teared up when he ate a puff for the first time.  His "chewing" cracks me up!  He has six teeth, all in the front of course, and he works them like mad when solids are introduced.  I am so happy my guy is doing well!  What a blessing!

9 months

height- 25  1/4 inches
weight-  17.2  lbs
head circumference- 20  1/4 inches


  1. OMGosh Jennifer I love him!!! super pictures, you really should look into leaving your teaching job and starting your own studio! I can't believe he has so many teeth. we've been stuck on 4 for a few months! two more are working their way out but it's taking forever! ;)

  2. He is just the precious baby I've ever seen!!!!!!! Happy 9 months Reid! I am so happy to hear you are doing so well! Love being sent your way from Long Island! xoxoxoxox
