November 27, 2012

Party Time

Warning: This post has so many pictures I had to make a Part 2 to keep adding them.  Seriously? wouldn't let me add one more.  Of course, I could of purchased more available room with a low monthly fee.  What?!  Anyways, back to the real point of the post...REID'S FIRST BIRTHDAY PARTY......Finally!

Reid's first birthday party was a great day filled with family and friends.  We themed everything around Reid's pal, Fairbanks Jr.  Fairbanks had a great view of the birthday boy from his own highchair. :)
Since we had a whole teddy bear thing going on, it was only right to make some folks wear ears! ;)

Bears, bears, bears EVERYWHERE!
This guy was made from two medium size pumpkins and four of those itty bitty ones in the produce section!  Add on button eyes, felt ears, and a bow tie...and wahla! :)  I love to paint pumpkins!  I painted so many of the pumpkins in  our house shades of white this year for our fall decor. :)

My sweet mom made this delicious feast!

One of my kindergarten kiddo's mom works in a bakery.  She made our yummy cake and cupcakes and I bought the edible bears from a lady on Etsy. :)

"Adopt A Bear" just meant take one home.  These cuddly teddies were the party favors. 
My mom felt moved to read, "Welcome to Holland" to our friends and family.  She also spoke briefly about how our guy has changed our life so much!
So.....he wasn't a fan of the party hat!

Happy Birthday!

More to come... :)



  1. Happy Birthday, Reid!! All your boys looked so handsome. Jennifer, I LOVE your decorations. You are very creative!

  2. I agree with Vanessa, incredible party. Even if I lived a 1000 years, I couldn't come up with something like this...WOW!!!

  3. Looks like the best pary ever! So sweet that your mom read the Holland poem!!! Xoxo
