May 4, 2012

Orioles Baseball

Spencer Man is on the Orioles team this spring.  He's mainly been playing outfield this season and loving it.  I love watching him play!  His team is so cute with all their little chants!  I have to post one so that he can look back and I can remind him that yes he did that!  Too bad I don't have it on video...note to self...tape it before the season is over! Ha!

Down in the baseball cemetery...Down in the baseball cemetery...
Your team is going to get buried...Your team is going to get buried..
Six feet wide and twelve feet under...Six feet wide and twelve feet under..
When we hit the ball it sounds like thunder...When we hit the ball it sounds like thunder...
Thunder, thunder, thunder nation...thunder, thunder thunder nation..
We're the best team in the nation...We're the best team in the nation...
Nation, nation, nation wide....nation, nation, nation wide
Nation wide is on our side!!! Nation wide is on our side!!!

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