January 20, 2012

My Middle Love

My Dearest Briggs,
    Lately I've been thinking about planning your seventh birthday and it has hit me...YOU ARE GROWING UP!  I wish you would stay my little boy forever!  You are so amazing to me!  I love how you have a sweet, laid back, and slightly funny personality around your friends.  And I LOVE how you don't have any problem speaking up and telling me what is on your mind.  Others have told me in the past they think you are shy.  I have seen that, but I know that when you are home and comfortable you could really rule the roost!...well, if we stepped back.  In fact, you've been known to throw a few lines out there that sound as though you are the parent.  I love laughing at your crazy ways and I'm always ready to see what you will say next.  You are truly my bud!  You are always right by my side helping out, running errands, cooking, and cleaning (That's right! It's out there for your future wife to see one day! You cleaned!).  You have been "the baby" for so long and have now moved into the role of "big brother" flawlessly.  I hope you always keep that drive you have to accomplish what you want to in life.  I know that drive, it is a wonderful quality, and it will make life exciting.  Always know that you can do ANYTHING you set out to do.  Your life is yours and it's going to be a beautiful journey! 

How much do I love you?....too much!


You've grown up so much sweet boy!

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